
Servers migration

Since friday september 7th 01:00 the migration to the new servers started. This migration comes at the end of a hosting contract and the deployment on the new servers will level up the security, speed up the processing and prepare the new stuff of the 2019 season. The next services will be affected : Registration website 'register' WebService 'register' Managing organizer application...

We moved !!!

We moved between en of 2017 and beginning of 2018 ! Our old address is no more usable but our commercial address didn't changed !   Thanks for taking note of it for your next visits.

Development of the 7th generation of softwares

Update march 2018 : Due to our move we choosed to review our Technical side. The development of the 7th gen of softwares is postponed. 2 new servers were recently opened and are actually in test on which the new softwares will be graft. More détails in the next few weeks but this migration is very important for us and will be performed very soon.


An important information to the persons that follow us by internet and contacted us about live-timing.   Live-timing, as other event-extern results publication (even non-official), require a written agreement between the event organisator, the race direction, and us...   As long as this agreement is not fully filled, no one external results will be available.   For...

Partnership with FmodouX

GVI-timing will confide all the hardware/software development to the FmodouX company.   Still aiming to innovate and to offer faster, reliable, more complete, more ergonomic features, it's in this collaboration that we look to the future !   For 2015 some new features will be noted but a partnership in the long term is envisaged.   link to FmodouX

New online registration platform

As requested by some organisators in the point of view to simplify/accelerate the transfert of informations, here we go with the new on-line subscriptions platform for sport events. While still young and simple, this service is high-potential and asks only to evolve over time !   We inaugurate it in 2015 with the slalom of Bière wich we again thank for the confidence, and hope it suits ...